Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE Times S3 Live Video Setup...A S3 Live Video Driver SetupA0 \S3MMEDIA DIGITALV.MCIR DIGITALV.MCIa DIGITALV.XXX MPLAYER.INI windir.z( winsys.z, winsys.z% WININIT.INI RFMDD.DLL RFMDD.TMP renameb triovdir.z Backing up system.ini and control.ini files... SYSTEM.INIa SYSINI.SAV CONTROL.INIa CTRLINI.SAV Updating system.ini and control.ini files... SYSTEM.INI CONTROL.INI Debuga OutputToa Overlaya MCIK2V.DRV% Driversa msvideoa K2VCAPT.DRV( driversa drivers.desca mcik2v.drva [MCI] S3 Live Video Driver% Userinstallable.driversa Overlaya MCIK2V.DRV DLG_WELCOMEA DLG_WELCOME! Due to a system error, Setup cannot display a dialog box.A DLG_WELCOME DLG_WELCOME DLG_ASKQUITA DLG_ASKQUIT! Due to a system error, Setup cannot display a dialog box.A DLG_ASKQUIT DLG_ASKQUIT+ DLG_ASKQUIT DLG_ASKQUIT DLG_DESTPATHA DLG_DESTPATH! Due to a system error, Setup cannot display a dialog box.A DLG_DESTPATH! DLG_DESTPATHA DLG_DESTPATHA DLG_DESTPATHA The directory you have specified to install the application is not writable. Please choose another directory.A Unable to create the directory you have specified, please specify another directory location.A Insufficient Disk Space* Setup has determined that you do not have the required amount of disk space on the selected drive. Make more space available or select another drive.A Warning DLG_DESTPATH DLG_DESTPATH DLG_APPHELPAZ DLG_APPHELP! Due to a system error, Setup cannot display a dialog box.A DLG_APPHELP DLG_APPHELP Trio Debugger% \K2VDBG.EXE TrioVApp An error has occured while attempting to decompress a Trio64V+ Driver files TrioVApp! Installing files to b TrioVApp2 TrioVApp.n Please insert Disk b An error occured while copying the file %s. The file was not copied. ERROR=FS_OPERROR.b An error occured while copying the file %s. The file was not copied. ERROR=FS_GENERROR.b Unable to write to destination location. Incorrect disk inserted. Please insert the correct disk.A Incorrect disk inserted. Please insert the disk labeled Disk 1A Unable to copy files due to an internal error.A Unable to copy files to destination due to insufficient disk space. ERROR=FS_OUTOFSPACE. An error occured while copying and decompressing files.A TrioVApp Setup could not be completed due to errors. Please clear up the causes of the errors and try again.A \K2VSETUP.DLL Internal error. Unable to create custom dialog. Exiting installation program.A Are you sure you want to quit the Setup program?A DLG_EXITSUCCESSAF DLG_EXITSUCCESS! Due to a system error, Setup cannot display a dialog box.A DLG_EXITSUCCESS DLG_EXITSUCCESS DLG_QUIT4DCIA, DLG_QUIT4DCI! Due to a system error, Setup cannot display a dialog box.A DLG_QUIT4DCI DLG_QUIT4DCI \SYSTEM.INI \WIN.INI \CONTROL.INI avicap.dllR avifile.dllR compobj.dllR driversa VIDC.CVIDR driversa VIDC.MSVCR driversa VIDC.IV31R driversa VIDC.IV32R mci extensionsa drivers.desca msacm.drvR drivers.desca msadpcm.acmR Error verifying VFW DCI Upgrade... Can't find file AVICAP.DLL.A Error verifying VFW DCI Upgrade... Can't find file AVIFILE.DLL.A Error verifying VFW DCI Upgrade... Can't find file COMPOBJ.DLL.A Error verifying VFW DCI Upgrade... Can't find SYSTEM.INI key VIDC.CVID.A Error verifying VFW DCI Upgrade... Can't find SYSTEM.INI key VIDC.MSVC.A Error verifying VFW DCI Upgrade... Can't find SYSTEM.INI key VIDC.IV31.A Error verifying VFW DCI Upgrade... Can't find SYSTEM.INI key VIDC.IV32.A Error verifying VFW DCI Upgrade... Can't find WIN.INI key AVI.A Error verifying VFW DCI Upgrade... Can't find CONTROL.INI key MSACM.DRV.A Error verifying VFW DCI Upgrade... Can't find CONTROL.INI key MSADPCM.ACM.A 3.95( 3.00.071